Bistro Canaille sur Ajaccio


Basé sur 681 avis trouvés sur 2 webs



De 293
à Ajaccio
De 112
de cuisine Française à Ajaccio

Note et avis

Restaurant incroyable ! Nourriture excellente ! Très frais… des recettes originales ! Il y en a pour tous les goûts De l’entrée au dessert : wow !
Plus de commentaires
dans TripAdvisor
17 août 2024
Une très bonne adresse au pied de la cathédrale ocre d’Ajaccio. Des saveurs dans nos assiettes, copieuses et bonnes. Réserver votre table les yeux fermés.
Plus de commentaires
dans TripAdvisor
06 août 2024

Restaurants similaires à Ajaccio


Le 20123

17/09/2024: Surprise invitation, we discover this atypical place without knowing what to expect. We loved the concept and the interior decorations. The service is all smiles and attentive, the meal is excellent from start to finish. And the addition is disconcerting. Menu for 42€, bottle of wine for 20€, really pleasantly surprised not to be taken for an imbecile as is starting to be too often the case. The only downside is the consistency of the dishes: it’s really too filling, especially the main course! They are crazy ;)) in short, flawless.
17/09/2024: Amazing. Very good quality and good quantity. I came with my son. We are impressed and recommend it to everyone

Le Petit Restaurant

13/08/2024: Small place in the center of Ajaccio. 5 or 7 course tasting menu only. You can choose meat or fish but you don't know what will be brought. The dishes are good and original. Maybe the price is a little high but it's fine for a quiet dinner! The recommended wine was also good
10/08/2024: Lovely meal! We did the 7 course tasting menu and were very pleased with how unique and thoughtful each dish was individually and as a whole. We do not speak French, but found it easy to interact with all the staff at the restaurant. I highly recommend visiting!

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