Nieuwe uitbaters. Terug open vanaf 1/7/24.
Je eet er goed voor een correcte prijs.
Geen sluitingsdagen tijdens zomermaanden.
Ook open op vrijdagavond. Gesloten zaterdag-zondag
Arrived at the last minute, even used the tenth hour to get into the restaurant. I arrived and kissed the lock on the restaurant. Because it was closed.
Great restaurant/tobacco, games. Two parking spaces, fridge accepted. Extra
Today, well after the first notice, change of mind the hours are wrong,,,,, I present myself in front of the door at 12:00 p.m. sign on the door "opening at 6:00 p.m.". At 1:30 a.m. it was still lit and there were people there, normal that they couldn't get up😡😡😡