Chicago Grill sur Hyeres


Basé sur 3 535 avis trouvés sur 2 webs


De 316
à Hyeres
De 1
de cuisine Américaine à Hyeres

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passer cool beau payer enfant queue parfait port churros doit dame papa simple peche vieux

Note et avis

Large amusement park, very nice, so two big problems the toilets are paying and not clean and the parking is hell, a minefield for the rest very good evenings with family or friends.
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06 avril 2024
Ok amusement park, nothing to say. There is something for everyone from the youngest to the oldest. Namely, it's nocturnal but that's also what gives it its charm
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07 février 2024
Super flea market on Saturday and Sunday morning
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23 janvier 2024
Every Saturday and Sunday they host a huge garage sale and market. The prices charged are very attractive.
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31 décembre 2023
So many memories in this summer 2003 funfair, I remember that there was a gentleman at the funfair who taught me how to ride a motorbike because I was having trouble, the good times 20 years ago already.
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29 décembre 2023
Tres bon endrois de jeux d enfants
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07 décembre 2023
Nous avons fait un petit tour en famille, le parc assez gros, les attractions pour petits et grands sont abordables niveau prix.
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25 octobre 2023

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