A rainy evening so a craving for pancakes. One call to book. The dog is accepted only with happiness. Very good pancakes and crepes and a great discovery with the truffade. The boss comes to collect the feelings to know if something needs to change. It's family and friendly. I recommend and for sure we will come back
A complete and gourmet menu with local products prepared and served by this cooking-producing couple.
Service with a smile and lots of kindness.
A place to recommend in this very pretty town
We come to Cléguer to our second home, the visit to the creperie is an integral part of the holidays and always has been!
The crepes are very good, the welcome and the service very pleasant.
Remember to book
Nous n’étions pas revenus depuis le changement de propriétaire. L’accueil est sympathique, le service très efficace ( même pour un groupe, ce qui n’est jamais assuré dans les crêperies), les prix tout à fait raisonnables et les crêpes sarrasin ou froment très bonnes. Je recommande sans hésiter