Le Regal sur Dijon


Basé sur 168 avis trouvés sur 3 webs


De 534
à Dijon
De 5
de cuisine Fast-food à Dijon

Les clients commentent vos plats de...

viande pizza sandwich tacos

Note et avis

Hehehe, lives up to its name. Yum.
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31 mars 2024

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Staff Pizza

09/09/2024: Staff Pizza is one of the best restaurants I have been to, especially the cuisine, the welcome, the staff and even the service which is too fast. I also like the atmosphere of the store and its decor designed for everyone, including children, as well as the variety of its menu where you can find pizzas, tacos, hamburgers, paninis...etc. Honestly I can only recommend 100%.
09/09/2024: Wilson pizza staff..always very good pizza and hamburger..victim of its success, sometimes late. 4 stars because no one is perfect 😊

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