Pizza West sur Rueil-Malmaison


Basé sur 171 avis trouvés sur 2 webs


De 136
à Rueil-Malmaison
De 12
de cuisine Italienne à Rueil-Malmaison

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Note et avis

Very good pizzas. Nice people, nice quality food. I always recommend this restaurant over others in the neighbourhood.
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01 juillet 2024
Best pizzeria in the area too bad the prices are increased with the end of the offer 1pizza bought 1pizza free and there is no regina. In short, pizza west is the best way to enjoy!
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dans Google
14 mai 2024
Excellent Pizzeria, value for money, Fast Service, The pizza was excellent, we just need more seats around the Pizzeria and that's perfect. I highly recommend this place.
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dans Google
26 avril 2024
Ce restaurant / fast Food est tellement sous-côté, j’y suis allé aujourd’hui avec un pote et c’était INCROYABLE les pizzas étaient incroyables et le temps d’attente était super rapide. J’y retournerai forcément un jour tellement c’était bon ! Je recommande fortement !! 🙂
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dans TripAdvisor
26 avril 2024
Des pizzas et plats toujours bon , qui arrivent tout chaud quand on les commandent pour chez nous. Toujours des parts généreuses et des livreurs agréables. Les wings sont incroyables. Je recommande fortement c’est super abordable pour la quantité proposé foncez
Plus de commentaires
dans TripAdvisor
05 avril 2024

Restaurants similaires à Rueil-Malmaison


La bergamote caffe

29/09/2024: Very good Italian for lunch. A bit of traffic due to the configuration of the place but the dishes are tasty. Prices a little more expensive than average.
19/09/2024: The calzone of the day was succulent and I weigh my words it has been a long time since I had so much fun eating a calzone. Fresh, quality ingredients, an original recipe with straciatella, truffle and white ham, smoked scamorza. The pizza dough is excellent. The welcome and service were perfect. Because not having reserved my place outside, the team still managed to find us a place. To sum up, everything was perfect, both the setting and the cuisine. . This restaurant has become my favorite pizzeria in Rueil. Well done👏🏼 I recommend

Don Renato Pizzeria

15/12/2024: Excellent cuisine again today at lunch with very professional staff. A recommended restaurant.
15/12/2024: A regular who has never been disappointed by the cuisine as well as the welcome and the service, to be recommended

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