Restaurant le Cohé sur Pessac


Basé sur 2 368 avis trouvés sur 5 webs



De 95
à Pessac
De 37
de cuisine Française à Pessac

Les clients commentent vos plats de...

parfait foie veau cafe chocolat saumon passer beau creme viande fume pommes oeuf cuit noix

Note et avis

Je vous ai déjà mis une répons, le restaurant Le Cohé m'a meme ré vous ne retrouvez pas la trace je recommencerai le message, cela m'étonne ?
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dans TripAdvisor
06 septembre 2024
What a pleasant experience, the service is impeccable, they explain all the dishes and take great care of you. The food is delicious, I enjoyed it, I will come back for sure.
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27 août 2024
Very good restaurant, cozy atmosphere. Some cooking was a little limited (perfect egg and the potatoes that accompanied the veal rice).
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26 août 2024
First experience in a restaurant in the center of Pessac. Heard it before but never tried it...I'm delighted to have stopped there and to have shared a great mother-daughter moment The evening menu is reasonable in price and the quality of the meal is truly impressive. Service worthy of a great restaurant, really pleasant atmosphere and everyone takes great care Very nice discovery 😍 From the appetizer, to the little cake to the bill thank you, I'll do it again 💯
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25 août 2024
Very very good! I had lunch there at noon... Chocolate explain tasty and plentiful. There is also a rooftop for an aperitif upstairs.
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24 août 2024
I went there with my son for my birthday and I chose the confidence (gourmet) menu. I was not disappointed... The chef adapted to my tastes and offered a menu for which I enjoyed each dish. The service is very attentive. I will go back without hesitation!
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23 août 2024
Très bon repas. Vins excellents. Ambiance très agréable. Nous y allons régulièrement et c'est toujours un plaisir de venir.
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dans TripAdvisor
03 juillet 2024
Réelle déception pour ce repas récent au Cohe.. Service attentionné et mignardises sympathiques mais plats principaux simplement ratés - filet de merlu baignant dans le beurre, écrasé de pommes de terre raté, ris de veau au foie gras sans foie gras(!) et sans âme. Desserts banals. On ne reviendra pas.
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dans The Fork
12 avril 2024
Excellent address. Refined cuisine, excellent service and intimate atmosphere. Probably number 1 in Pessac.
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09 avril 2024
Je suis allée manger avec un ami ce midi. Excellente cuisine, les plats sont raffinés. Le personnel est parfait et toujours à l écoute du client. Très bon rapport qualité prix. Je le recommande vivement et j y reviendrai sans hesiiter
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dans The Fork
14 mars 2024

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19/08/2024: Excellent meal and pleasant service. Great discovery
19/08/2024: There was a birthday, so the room was very noisy. Not attributable to the restaurant for this fact.

Le Comptoir du Coq

11/03/2024: Very good address! The facade does not look like much but you will be very well received by this establishment with its vintage decoration. The menu offers homemade, hearty and very well made dishes. The local cuisine is tasty for a very good quality/price ratio. Don't hesitate to test it for yourself.
09/03/2024: Excellent local cuisine, very friendly service, nothing to complain about

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