Les meilleurs restaurantsde cuisine autres cuisines europeéennes dans le quartier Saint-Avoye de Paris

2 restaurants sur RestoRanking

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pain de sucre

Saint-Avoye, Paris
13/06/2024: Pain de Sucre’s pastries are exceptional. I'm always disappointed with pastries that are either overwhelmingly off-topic, either due to lack of technique, "freshness", or "balance". Here, nothing is wrong. Everything is just and subtle, intense when necessary (the melting texture of the lemon tart cream balances the strength of the lemon, the incredible rum in the pipette planted in the best of babas, the pistachio which finally made me love a strawberries tree). In short, perfect mastery of technique at the service of the best products. Well done and thank you.
09/06/2024: Good pastries but a little expensive. Other addresses of great pastry chefs are above and more affordable.

Non applicable

DO Porto a Roma

Saint-Avoye, Paris


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