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Pret a manger

08/07/2024: The shelves are empty. The tables are dirty and not cleared, the terrace is dirty, full of trash on the ground. As for the dishes that I have had, they are all super peppery (tuna sandwich, egg and avocado sandwich....)
07/07/2024: The food is basic so no particular worries. On the other hand, hygiene level… 👀 - The tray handed to me, considered clean, is dirty (remains of food) - The cutlery is very dirty (I'm not just talking about traces of limescale) - The best of the best: the glasses, you can definitely try to guess if it is a man or a woman who had drunk from them before it went to the... "wash" because you always have the trace of the lips, see for a drink I returned lipstick!!!



22/07/2024: Hendek to the uncle who cuts your sandwich, he’s crazy
07/07/2024: They regularly 'close' early. Usually around 21:30... If you manage to get in, make sure you speak french or the men will hiss and tutt at you. The food itself is standard, but how it's made and with the atmosphere, you'll certainly leave with less of an appetite.


L'Agape Cafe

30/03/2024: It’s a great place to have a drink with friends! 😃
17/03/2024: 5 of us went there last night with friends In all seriousness, the sound is so loud that it's hard to hear yourself spoken, especially when we are placed right next to the speakers. We order a MDR charcuterie board!!!! we had a good laugh, there are 5 of us I repeat and we had a board with 2 slices of goat cheese, 3 pieces of Comté and 2 pieces of brie (damn I should have taken a photo of it) so you shouldn't have been too hungry c was light and excessive for the price of the board 😅😅😅 We order starters and dishes The hummus is just catastrophic it's spicy it has no taste we ordered 3 and the feedback was the same for everyone, but the waiter tells us that this hummus is all the rage but then I don't know how that can be possible because we don't We haven't touched it.. Still money in the wind The burgers... cooking the steaks also a disaster, 1 steak with weird pieces in it that my friend spit out in the assistant.. We stopped there because we were completely disgusted and disappointed, quite frankly. The bill was hefty for the poor quality of what we had on our plates.. What is certain is that I will never set foot there again and I absolutely do not recommend this place. From the outside it's magnificent, it makes you want it but you're quickly disappointed Thanks to the bartender for offering us digestives to comfort us in our discontent.

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Pokawa Val D'europe

13/05/2024: Sincèrement de pire en pire , j ai voulu me reconcilier une nvelle fois avc ce Pokawa …. Catastrophique Portions divisées par 3 , en plus l’ erreur que j ai faite c est de prendre un supplément creme cheese … 😂😂 du coup la dose de saumon inexistante ,,, l avocat pensez a mettre du citron pr eviter qu il soit noir. 15€ ds le vent
18/02/2024: Je viens souvent dans ce Pokawa car il n'y en a pas d'autre plus proche de chez moi. Mais là je n'irai plus. Je précise sur ma commande en ligne qu'il ne faut pas de carottes dans le bowl saumon car ALLERGIE, et bien ils doivent recruter (je pense) du personnel illettré car j'ai retrouvé PLEINS de morceaux de carottes dans mon poke, la réalité c'est qu'ils n'avaient pas vu le commentaire donc il en ont mis puis ils ont tout retirés, sauf qu'ils en ont laissé plein. Savez-vous que vous pouvez être poursuivis si une personne fait une reaction allergique grave à cause de l'inconscience de votre personnel ?! Alors au lieu de recruter des "beurettes" qui ont un comportement débile derriere le comptoir, recrutez du personnel compétent et qui sait lire ! J'oublie également que dans mon poké saumon il y avait exactement 5 morceaux de saumon. Je veux bien comprendre que le personnel doivent respecter des doses mais là, c'est se foutre du client et c'est clairement l'arnaquer. Val d'Europe le 18 février à 13h.


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