Les meilleurs restaurants dans le quartier Mail de Paris

158 restaurants sur RestoRanking

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Le Galibot

Mail, Paris
12/06/2024: A sure value for all northerners far from home! Very friendly owners, hearty and quality Welsh as well as a wide choice of beers!
06/06/2024: It's quite simply my Lille address in Paris. Super warm, you feel at home. Recommended to anyone who wants a change of scenery for an evening! The Welsh compete without worries with the best of Haut-de-France. I no longer hide the fact that I'm just a fan!



Mail, Paris
20/07/2024: Very appreciated cuisine and special mention for the ceviche!
19/07/2024: Very well received. Tapas and wines very good. I recommend. Pedestrian street. And nice service.



Mail, Paris
21/06/2024: Quality source products and top restaurateur! The best in the neighborhood! Thanks to the server Yoann for his kindness.Ben
15/06/2024: Amazing food in a quaint little space with a friendly staff



Mail, Paris
16/07/2024: Excellent cuisine with a touch of originality rare enough to be highlighted! Too bad the restaurant is a bit noisy
14/07/2024: A selection of fresh and refined dishes, often renewed, in an intimate atmosphere. Pollop is a very good address, especially for lunch.


La Piazzetta

Mail, Paris, <20€
19/05/2024: We just stumbled onto La Piazzetta for a drink at the bar (standing) and we were so pleasantly surprised at the friendly service and the 1664 draft being so tasty and cold. 3 of us with a 25cl beer was 3.5 euros each standing at the bar. We also noticed they served food so we will try them out the next time we are in Paris again. Thank you to the young girl at the bar and the young man (owner/mgr?) both of whom were so hospital and welcoming.
02/04/2024: Always a pleasant welcome, the dishes are exceptional and varied, absolutely worth trying!


Fleur de Pave

Mail, Paris
02/07/2024: Habitué des restaurants gastronomiques j'attends un service impeccable c'est a peut prêt le cas ( a peut prêt car sur les deux serveurs un seul était parfait l'autre en formation ). Je m'attends surtout a avoir le palais qui soit émoustillé et trouver de l'émotion dans les plats.. c'était bon mais pas extraordinaire. Simple bien cuit mais manque de créativité dans les goûts. Notamment leur entrée signature leur chou fleur n'avait rien d'extraordinaire.. un chou fleur presque cru passé a la mendoline avec une crème choux fleur au siphon avec quelques grain de vanille ..rien d'extraordinaire : un goût de chou fleur relèvé d'un peu de vanille.. j'ai trouve ça fade et j'ai demandé à nos voisins de table et eux aussi. Le vin bon ( chardonnay au verre) mais pas dingue non plus.. bref j'ai hésité entre 3 et 4 étoiles ... J'ai mis 4 car ça reste bon.. mais pour moi ne mérite pas son étoile
17/05/2024: Dining at Fleur de Pavé is an exhilarating experience, thanks to Chef Sylvain Sendra’s stimulating culinary exploration. His modern, globe-trotting dishes are artfully rustic yet sophisticated in presentation, highlighting superb quality ingredients. A standout feature is the exclusive vegetables from the Yvelines garden of renowned grower Asafumi Yamashita, which are used to craft dishes that emphasize flavor over flair. Chef Sendra’s approach is not about dazzling with technique but rather focusing on the authenticity of flavors and staying true to the dish descriptions, for which he deserves much appreciation. This commitment to culinary authenticity is matched by the impressive wine list, which impresses connoisseurs with rare bottles enjoyed under the approving eye of the chef himself. Adding to the memorable experience is Zoe, whose impeccable service is a beacon of warmth and professionalism. Her attentive care and deep knowledge of the menu enrich the dining experience, making every guest feel uniquely valued. Zoe’s recommendations are thoughtful and well-informed, ensuring that each choice enhances the overall meal. Fleur de Pavé’s intimate setting complements its innovative menu, making it a must-visit for those seeking a unique dining experience in Paris that skillfully balances tradition with contemporary tastes.



Mail, Paris
15/07/2024: I came here twice, once in June 2023 and the other time a year ago. Last year the food was good, but this time, it was one of the best meals I’ve ever had in my life. It was even more delicious than a 2-Michelin star restaurant that I’ve been to. Every dish compliments others amazingly, and each has multiple layers of flavor. Thank you for the wonderful and unforgettable experience! July 2024 Update: This is my third visit. It was really a big disappointment. It seems like the chef lost passion. The input and creativity put into food doesn't compare to my previous visits. None of the dishes stood out. I would even say that this time, it didn't deserve a Michelin star.
14/07/2024: Visually appealing experience, wide variety of raw materials used. Love the experience



Mail, Paris
03/07/2024: Well-cooked homemade dishes, friendly welcome but we found that the lunch menu lacked dessert. A starter and main course or main course and dessert option would be nice
20/06/2024: Warm restaurant, delicious cuisine, we are happy to return there and introduce it to our loved ones.


Le Croissant

Mail, Paris
10/06/2024: Very good bistro 👍 it's pretty, historic, Jean Jaurès was assassinated there, it's good. And above all Maïa and Ethan are adorable, thank you to them, see you soon 😘.
05/05/2024: Great welcome, nice atmosphere. I recommend.


Chez Georges

Mail, Paris
03/07/2024: Very good restaurant, an institution. The prices are quite high and there is a lot of choice on the menu. Despite everything, the dishes are good and the cooking is well respected. The service is fast even though there are often a lot of people
03/07/2024: Delicious meal with average service



Mail, Paris
27/06/2024: Another very Parisian restaurant, the cuisine is good with originalities and new flavors but the portions are good when you're not too hungry...
26/06/2024: Very good food and quality service (although quite long) but there is nothing on the plate and the prices are very high. It's intended for a different clientele than me.


Chez Suzette Creperie

Mail, Paris
09/05/2024: Venant assister à un spectacle au Grand Rex,nous avons mangé chez Suzette. Nous avons très bien mangé, crêpes préparées rapidement, très bonnes et garnies, rien à redire. La seule personne présente au service à notre arrivée à 18 h (spectacle oblige) paraissait un peu froid, le second était plus chaleureux. Par contre, nous nous sommes aperçu après coup qu'on nous a facturé 4,80 € de plus que le prix prévu à la carte ? mais n'ayant pas le ticket avec détail.
17/04/2024: The service was great. My french isn’t the best but the man understood and helped clarify things in English for me. The crepe was delicious and huge, and the hot chocolate was amazing!



Mail, Paris
02/07/2024: Americans have much to worry about with Blends LeCam burger..it's like a perfect marriage made in heaven and I wonder no one has thought of as sooner... But they did!! And it's cooked expertly... Totally legit!
28/06/2024: Very delicious food and very friendly staff.


Accents Table Bourse

Mail, Paris
15/06/2024: Cute little French family place and delicious
02/06/2024: Superbe repas dans cet établissement qui mérite bien son étoile. Cuisine fine, raffinée et moderne. Desserts éblouissants. Service irréprochable et gracieux. Coup de chapeau à l'utilisation maitrisée du fumé et de la grillade. Nous avons passé un magnifique déjeuner. Tout était précis, bien pensé, parfaitement exécuté. De la créativité, du goût, de l'émerveillement. C'était parfait. Un festival de délicatesse. S'il fallait exprimer une réserve, on peut se passer de l'horrible miroir en mousse desséchée qui trône dans les toilettes. Ce n'est pas bien grave.


Ensuite Réaumur

Mail, Paris
17/06/2024: Superb hygiene, delicious flavor and above all fresh products!
15/06/2024: I have lunch at Puis every lunchtime: fresh, varied and quality products. You can go there with your eyes closed! Special mentions for the tuna rillettes!

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