Les meilleurs restaurants en Haute-Corse

1026 restaurants sur RestoRanking

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Petite Marie

19/04/2024: Atypical.. nice original decor.. small card good value for money..

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La Bohème

10/08/2024: Location carina così come il personale, I piatti meglio non commentarli. Mi alzo da tavola con la bocca ancora piena di sale, tartufo e agrumi. Ordinato del pesce che mi si consegna affogato in una spuma che copriva tutto, non ci tornerei mai. Peccato
08/08/2024: Lovely view and good service but the food was a mixed experience. The foie gras and the octopus were both good. The pork was nice and well cooked but strangely was served with thick slices of raw mushroom and was sprinkled with an unpleasant and strong tasting black powder (black salt?). The mi cuit tuna dish was not nice at all. Firstly, it was swimming in a soup of cream which was described as a lemon emulsion. That already made it unpleasant to eat and the liquid did not taste nice. Secondly, the tuna was cooked through so was not “mi cuit”. The potatoes were not completely cooked and slightly hard. They did not taste of saffron either. To top it off the whole plate was sprinkled with the same black powder as the pork which was acrid tasting and way too overpowering for fish. Several of the dishes were garnished with the same spinach leaves and wafers which seemed a bit random rather than being chosen because they would go well with the particular dish. We didn’t really enjoy the meal and would not recommend.

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18/05/2024: Beautiful establishment for a vacation by the water Very friendly manager

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La pizzeria


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Le Farniente


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U Rataghju

07/09/2024: Super restaurant. Lieu Authentique, cuisine locale et excellente, service parfait. Nous avons passé un super moment en famille.
07/09/2024: Une magnifique trouvaille cachée tout en bas du village . Un lieu hors du temps avec la décoration qui va avec . Un accueil plus que chaleureux avec un serveur avec qui l'on peut échanger sur tout . Une cuisine maison , un ragoût de veau mijoté des heures , une présentation simple ..bref ...comme si vous mangiez chez votre grand-mère 😉. Un menu unique à 35€ . Pour les amateurs de bonne cuisine sans chichi . Nous recommandons +++++

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Maison de la Bottarga

18/07/2024: Excellent restaurant, choix difficile tellement tout les plats ont l'air bon! Anguille grillée et ses légumes très bon. Ravioli esturgeon et poutargue excellent aussi. Linguine de la mer à tomber. Si vous aimez le poisson, restaurant incontournable. Frais et fait maison!

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Le Fango


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