Les meilleurs restaurants en Ardennes

303 restaurants sur RestoRanking

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Les Terrasses du Warcan

30/06/2024: Assiettes généreuses, joli présentation, personnel très sympathique et professionnel. Bon rapport qualité prix. J’y retournerai volontiers. Le seul bémol c’est que la salle est très bruyante il y a beaucoup de résonance donc c’est compliqué de discuter.
23/06/2024: The best restaurant in Sedan for its quality of product, its originality, its very welcoming staff as well as a very relaxing setting


l'auberge du Laminak

10/07/2024: Délicieux. Excellent repas. Rapport qualité prix très bon. Entrée : raviolis de langoustines, Plat : Cuisse de poulet jaune avec entremet au foie gras et sauce aux trompettes de la mort, Dessert : tarte fine pêche et glace vanille. Le vin un Madiran vieilles vignes. Ne changez rien c'est parfait !
25/06/2024: Still won over by the delicious cuisine of Laminak, for us it is the best value for money in the Ardennes. Gourmet restaurant at reasonable prices.


La Gourmandiere

25/05/2024: Great team with quality and the little smile that goes with it.
12/05/2024: Accueil impeccable. Cadre de la terrasse: parfait; tables très espacées, parasols originaux et efficaces, service empressé, souriant, avec une petite pointe d'humour raffiné. Repas: excellente qualité, quantité suffisante. Prix: justifié, très raisonnable, considérant les commentaires ci-dessus. Thierry, propriétaire et chef de salle, est un grand pro et devance les attentes des convives ! On aimerait trouver beaucoup de restaurants comme La Gourmandière !


La Cuisine du 19

Givet, 30-45€
31/03/2024: Discovered by chance, and come back for pleasure and love of good cuisine simmering with love and professionalism and feeling at home Take a step into the past and remember our childhood, loved Eric's humor and participate in it Each season has its menu so different that happiness The captivating wine that accompanies every dish and enhances the taste buds THANKS
31/03/2024: Great experience, very good food and very good house wine!!!


La Potinière

30/06/2024: Mon ami Gerald Henry m'avait conseillé cette halte gastronomique et le bougre ne se trompe jamais. Le cadre est plaisant, le personnel professionnel et la Table excellente. La terrasse bien ombragée est un endroit merveilleux. Enfin un restaurant qui vous propose, en apéritif, un véritable Américano Maison avec du Martini, du Campari, du Noilly et du Gin. Quant au menu, je commence par un Saumon Norvégien en Gravlax à l'Aneth, Maïs doux et bettrave plein de goût et de fraîcheur. Vient ensuite un Suprême de Poulet Jaune Fermier aux Poivrons et Chorizo doux et Jus Corsé qui est un pur délice superbement cuisiné. Pour celles et ceux qui, comme moi, adorent terminer un repas par le fromage, je vous conseille le Trio Comté, Brie de Meaux et Cervelle de Canut avec Toasts (une spécialité fromagère typique de la cuisine lyonnaise avec Fromage blanc, Ciboulette hachée, Echalote, sel, poivre, huile d'olive et vinaigre). Le pain est excellent et la formule du vin au verre est parfaite. Je recommande cette Belle Table qui ravira tout un chacun.
29/06/2024: My friend Gerald Henry recommended this gastronomic stop to me and the guy is never wrong. The setting is pleasant, the staff professional and the table excellent. The well-shaded terrace is a wonderful place. Finally a restaurant which offers you, as an aperitif, a real Homemade Americano with Martini, Campari, Noilly and Gin. As for the menu, I start with a Norwegian Salmon in Gravlax with Dill, Sweet Corn and Beetroot full of taste and freshness. Next comes a Free-range Yellow Chicken Supreme with Peppers and Mild Chorizo ​​and Full-bodied Juice which is a pure delight, superbly cooked. For those who, like me, love to end a meal with cheese, I recommend the Trio Comté, Brie de Meaux and Cervelle de Canut with Toasts (a cheese specialty typical of Lyon cuisine with fromage blanc, chopped chives, shallot , salt, pepper, olive oil and vinegar). The bread is excellent and the wine by the glass formula is perfect. I recommend this Beautiful Table which will delight everyone.


La Locomotive

16/07/2024: Very warm welcome, fast service and with a smile. The dish was delicious, the fries to die for.
05/07/2024: Very well received and very well served, thank you!


Pizza Party 08

03/07/2024: We were coming off the highway at Charleville and came across this charming little restaurant. A couple of incredible kindness who would do anything for their customers. Everything was delicious. A charming welcome. Top!!!!
28/06/2024: Very good restaurant. Pleasant atmosphere.


La Causerie des Lilas

05/06/2024: The setting of this restaurant is really great, it is located in a medieval village in an old building full of charm. When we were there last Saturday there was live music. The atmosphere was there!
05/06/2024: Exceptional but yet everything is simple and that's what pleases... No worries, we eat here like at home...


Frites and Co

30/06/2024: on the terrace, under the arcades, view of the square efficient and friendly service burger menu at others for all tastes reasonable prices
25/06/2024: C était bien avant! Peut-être qu’en mangeant sur place, on peut se faire entendre. Mais nous avons commandé et mauvaise surprise à la maison. La part de frites : une dizaine de frites tout au plus. Deux burgers commandés et payés avec supplément bacon : pas de bacon. Et en appelant le restaurant pour signaler ceci, ben excusez nous et au revoir. OK on ne renouvellera sans doute pas de si tôt. Dommage!


La Taverne de Launet

22/07/2024: A very good time spent in this restaurant.
21/07/2024: What more can I say than “Go for it.” Everything is perfect, the welcome, the interior and exterior setting and the quality of the dishes.👍🏻👍🏻😋


Le Val de Semoy

11/07/2024: I was only able to try the restaurant, which couldn't be better! A menu with quality products, which is a change from the ordinary, adorable staff I recommend 100%
04/07/2024: Very tasty food and excellent service!


Au Tout Va Bien

06/07/2024: Perfect ! Excellent cuisine, very pleasant staff Very good value for money
30/06/2024: Great restaurant and food very good value for money


La Deesse

04/06/2024: Sedan now, we regularly come for lunch and it’s really perfect. The boss is charming and welcoming We will come back. Thank you so much Martine and Bernard
30/05/2024: Very good restaurant. Excellent price quality


Camping la Samaritaine

11/07/2024: Nice compact campsite. Nice and friendly staff members. Clean toilets. And a wonderfully quiet environment to relax in. The surrounding area is still like the Netherlands in the fifties, no windmills, no solar panels and very friendly villagers......
11/07/2024: Very nice beautiful campsite. Compared to other campsites in northern France, this campsite is beautifully green and atmospheric. Nice spacious pitches and good and clean sanitary facilities. The children had a great time.


Restaurant Annapurna

10/07/2024: First meal in this typical restaurant. My husband and I had a delicious dish, spicy just right. The chef improvises a pleasant conversation, proof that he is interested in his customers. I can't wait to go back to try another dish.
03/07/2024: As always, very good and plentiful! We had not booked for 5 people and the restaurant had all the large tables reserved for other people, we went to the covered terrace, we were very happy there! Thanks again and see you very soon.

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